Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

Frédéric Tronel and Nicolas Prigent are members of the organization and program committees of the French symposium SSTIC about security of information and communications technologies (Symposium sur la Sécurité des Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication). This symposium is held each year in Rennes and gathers more than 400 people coming from academic, industrial and governmental sectors.

Emmanuelle Anceaume served as a reviewer for the following conferences:

  • IEEE/ACM International Conference on Ubiqutious Computing and Communications (IUCC). 2013 (Australia).

  • International Symposium on Security and Multimodality in Pervavise Environments (SMPE). 2013 (Spain).

  • International Conference on Secure and Trust Computing, data management, and Applications (STA). 2013 (Japan).

  • International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems (PECCS), 2013 (Spain).

Christophe Bidan is a member of the Selection and Validation Committee (CSV - Comité de Sélection et de Validation) of the Images & Réseaux cluster, of the advisory board the security activities of the DGA-MI (Direction Générale de l’Armement - Maîtrise de l’Information). Christophe Bidan served as a reviewer for the following conferences:

  • SecureComm - International Conference on Security and Privacy in Communication Networks 2013.

  • SETOP - International Workshop on Autonomous and Spontaneous Security 2013.

  • IIT - International Conference on Innovations in Information Technology 2013.

Sébastien Gambs acts as:

  • member of the editorial board of International Journal of Data Mining, Modelling and Management (http://www.inderscience.com/browse/index.php?journalID=342#board).

  • member of the editorial board of International Journal of Privacy and Health Information Management (http://www.igi-global.com/journal/international-journal-privacy-health-information/41027).

  • member of the program committee of the « 5th International Workshop on SEcurity and SOCial Networking (SESOC 20123) » held in March 2013 in San Diego, USA.

  • member of the program committee of the « Workshop on Privacy and Anonymity for the Digital Economy (PADE 2013) » held in June 2013 in Sydney, Australia (http://pade-lcn2013.conference.nicta.com.au/?page_id=14).

  • member of the program committee of the « 11th International Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust (PST 2013) » held in July 2013 in Tarragona, Spain (http://unescoprivacychair.urv.cat/pst2013/).

  • member of the program committee of the « 14th Conference on Communications and Multimedia Security (CMS 2013) » held in September 2013 in Magdeburg, Germany (http://www.cms2013.de/).

  • member of the program committee of the « 8th International Workshop on Data Privacy Management (DPM 2013) » held in September 2013 in Egham, UK (http://research.icbnet.ntua.gr/DPM2013/).

  • member of the program committee of the « 6th Symposium on Foundations and Practice of Security (FPS 2013) » held in October 2013 in La Rochelle, France (http://conferences.telecom-bretagne.eu/fps/2013/).

  • member of the program committee of the « 8th International Conference on Risks and Security of Internet and Systems (CRiSIS 2013) » held in October 2013 in La Rochelle, France (http://secinfo.msi.unilim.fr/crisis2013/).

  • member of the program committee of the « 4th International Conference on Emerging Ubiquitous Systems and Pervasive Networks (EUSPN 2013) » held in October 2013 in Niagara Falls, Canada (http://cs-conferences.acadiau.ca/euspn-13/).

  • external reviewer for PETS 2013 (13th Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium), Transactions on Mobile Computing, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Journal of Systems and Software and Information Systems.

Gilles Guette is member of the program committee of the symposium SSTIC. He also served as a reviewer for the following conferences:

  • National conference SARSSI 2013.

  • National conference SSTIC 2013.

Ludovic Mé is a member of the steering committee of RAID (International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses, ex-Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection), of the French conference SAR-SSI, and of the conference C&ESAR organized by the DGA. He served from 2011 to 2013 the scientific board of the CSFRS ("High Council for Strategic Education and Research"). He served this year as a reviewer for the ANRT organization, and for a few journals.

Guillaume Piolle served as a reviewer for the Internal Journal of Information Security. He is a member of CERNA, the ethics committee of Allistene, serving as a common reference point for French institutions undertaking research in information technologies. He also served as a reviewer for the following conferences:

  • IIT - International Conference on Innovations in Information Technology 2013;

  • SARSSI - National conference on Security of Information Systems and Network Architectures 2013.

Nicolas Prigent served as a reviewer for the SSTIC 2013 conference. He also was the PC chair of SAR-SSI 2013.

Frédéric Tronel served as a reviewer for the following conferences:

  • International conference Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC 2013) (as an external reviewer).

  • National conference SSTIC 2013.

Valérie Viet Triem Tong served as a reviewer for the following conferences:

  • International journal Science of Computer Programming.

  • International conference ICC 2014.

Guillaume Hiet served as a reviewer for the following organizations :

  • Fonds de recherche du Québec – Nature et technologies

  • ANRT

  • ANR (INS)